Bird Issues

  • Understanding the Different Types of Bird Netting and Their Uses

    Bird netting is a highly effective and versatile solution for managing bird-related issues in various settings. Whether it’s keeping birds away from crops, preventing them from roosting on buildings, or protecting public spaces, bird netting provides a reliable and humane way to deter birds. This article explores the different types of bird netting available and their specific uses to help you choose the best solution for your needs.

    Why Bird Netting is Essential

    Bird netting serves as a physical barrier, preventing birds from accessing certain areas without causing them harm. It’s commonly used to:

    • Protect Crops and Gardens: Birds can cause significant damage to fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants.
    • Prevent Property Damage: Bird droppings and nesting materials can damage buildings and other structures.
    • Ensure Safety: Birds in certain areas can create hazards, such as at airports or on construction sites.

    With these uses in mind, let’s explore the different types of bird netting and their applications.

    Types of Bird Netting

    Bird netting comes in various materials, mesh sizes, and designs, each suited for specific purposes. Here are some of the most common types:

    1. Polyethylene Bird Netting
      • Description: Made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), this netting is durable, lightweight, and resistant to UV rays and weather.
      • Uses: Ideal for outdoor applications like agricultural fields, gardens, and orchards. It can also be used on buildings to prevent birds from roosting or nesting.
    2. Polypropylene Bird Netting
      • Description: Similar to polyethylene, polypropylene netting is lightweight and weather-resistant, but it’s typically more flexible and easier to work with.
      • Uses: Often used in greenhouses, aviaries, and indoor settings. Its flexibility makes it suitable for irregularly shaped areas.
    3. Knotted Bird Netting
      • Description: This type of netting is made by knotting the intersections of the mesh, creating a stronger and more durable structure.
      • Uses: Commonly used in large-scale applications, such as covering entire buildings, sports facilities, or industrial sites. The knotted design provides added strength and durability.
    4. Extruded Bird Netting
      • Description: Extruded netting is manufactured by extruding plastic to form a mesh structure. It is typically more affordable but less durable than knotted netting.
      • Uses: Ideal for short-term or temporary applications, such as covering crops during harvest season or providing seasonal protection for buildings.
    5. Metal Bird Netting
      • Description: Made from materials like stainless steel or galvanized steel, metal netting offers high durability and resistance to weather and corrosion.
      • Uses: Commonly used in industrial settings, around machinery, or in areas where rodents and other pests are also a concern. Metal netting is more robust and can withstand harsh conditions.
    6. Fine Mesh Bird Netting
      • Description: This netting has a smaller mesh size, often less than one inch, designed to keep out smaller bird species and even insects.
      • Uses: Ideal for protecting crops from small birds or for use in aviaries to contain smaller bird species. It can also be used to prevent insects from accessing certain areas.

    Choosing the Right Bird Netting

    To choose the right bird netting for your needs, consider the following factors:

    1. Purpose: Determine the primary goal of the netting. Are you protecting crops, preventing roosting, or creating an aviary? This will guide your choice of material and mesh size.
    2. Location: Consider the environment where the netting will be used. Outdoor netting requires greater durability and UV resistance, while indoor netting may focus more on flexibility and ease of installation.
    3. Bird Species: Identify the bird species you’re targeting. Larger mesh sizes work for bigger birds, while fine mesh is needed for smaller birds or insects.
    4. Installation and Maintenance: Consider how easy it is to install and maintain the netting. Knotted netting may require more complex installation, while extruded netting is generally easier to set up.


    Bird netting is a versatile and effective solution for managing bird-related issues. By understanding the different types of bird netting and their specific uses, you can make an informed choice that meets your needs. Whether you’re protecting crops, safeguarding buildings, or creating a safe space for birds, the right bird netting can provide long-lasting and eco-friendly results.

  • The Science Behind Bird Netting: How Does It Work?

    Bird netting is a popular solution for keeping birds away from sensitive areas, whether it’s a garden, a building, or an agricultural field. It’s an effective, non-lethal way to manage bird populations without causing harm. But have you ever wondered how bird netting works and why it’s so successful in deterring birds? In this article, we’ll delve into the science behind bird netting to understand its mechanics and effectiveness.

    The Basics of Bird Netting

    Bird netting is a physical barrier designed to keep birds out of specific areas. It is typically made from durable materials like polyethylene or polypropylene, woven into a mesh structure. The size of the mesh can vary depending on the intended use, with smaller mesh sizes designed to keep out smaller birds, while larger meshes are used for bigger species.

    Why Birds Are Deterred by Netting

    Birds are intelligent creatures, and they navigate their environment primarily through sight and sound. Here’s why bird netting is effective in deterring them:

    1. Visual Barrier: Bird netting creates a visible barrier that birds instinctively avoid. When birds see the netting, they perceive it as an obstruction, discouraging them from attempting to land or nest in the area.
    2. Physical Impediment: The physical structure of bird netting makes it difficult for birds to land or roost. Even if they try, the netting prevents them from gaining a foothold, which discourages them from staying in the area.
    3. Safety Concerns: Birds generally avoid areas where they sense potential risks. Bird netting can create an impression of instability or danger, leading birds to seek safer places to land or nest.
    4. Non-Lethal Approach: Bird netting is designed to deter birds without causing harm. It doesn’t trap or injure them, which is why it’s favored in humane bird control practices.

    Different Types of Bird Netting

    To understand how bird netting works, it’s important to recognize the different types available and how they are used:

    1. Agricultural Netting: This type of netting is used to protect crops and orchards from birds. It is typically larger in size and placed over entire fields or rows of crops. It prevents birds from accessing and damaging produce.
    2. Architectural Netting: Used to protect buildings and structures, this type of netting is designed to blend in with the architecture while keeping birds from roosting on ledges, rooftops, or other parts of buildings.
    3. Aviary Netting: This type of netting is designed for use in aviaries or bird sanctuaries. It is often more robust and can be used to create enclosures for bird conservation.
    4. Garden Netting: Typically used in smaller settings, garden netting is designed to protect gardens and landscaping from bird damage. It can also be used to keep birds away from ponds or other water features.

    Installation Techniques

    The effectiveness of bird netting depends on proper installation. Here’s a brief overview of common installation techniques:

    1. Tensioning: Proper tensioning of the netting is crucial to ensure it doesn’t sag or collapse under pressure. Tensioning systems, like cables or frames, help maintain the netting’s shape and effectiveness.
    2. Attachment Points: Bird netting is usually attached to a structure or support system using clips, hooks, or other fasteners. Proper attachment ensures that there are no gaps or entry points for birds to exploit.
    3. Coverage Area: The netting must cover the entire area to be effective. Partial coverage can create gaps that birds can use to gain access.

    Benefits of Bird Netting

    Bird netting offers several benefits, contributing to its popularity as a bird control solution:

    1. Eco-Friendly: Bird netting doesn’t use harmful chemicals or lethal methods. It’s a sustainable and humane approach to bird control.
    2. Versatile: Bird netting can be used in various settings, from agricultural fields to urban buildings, making it a versatile solution.
    3. Cost-Effective: Compared to other bird control methods, bird netting is relatively inexpensive and requires minimal maintenance, providing a good return on investment.
    4. Effective for Multiple Bird Species: Bird netting can deter a wide range of bird species, making it a comprehensive solution for bird control.


    Bird netting works by creating a visual and physical barrier that deters birds from entering specific areas. Its effectiveness relies on the birds’ natural instincts to avoid obstacles and seek safer locations. Proper installation and maintenance are key to ensuring the success of bird netting, and its eco-friendly nature makes it an attractive option for bird control. By understanding the science behind bird netting, you can appreciate how this simple yet effective solution helps protect property and crops while promoting humane bird control practices.

  • Bird Netting Maintenance: Keeping Your Investment in Top Condition

    Bird netting is an effective solution for keeping birds away from buildings, crops, and other valuable property. It provides a non-lethal and environmentally friendly way to deter birds from nesting, roosting, or causing damage. However, like any other investment, bird netting requires proper maintenance to ensure its longevity and continued effectiveness. In this article, we’ll discuss essential tips and best practices for maintaining your bird netting to keep it in top condition.

    Why Bird Netting Maintenance is Important

    Maintaining your bird netting is crucial for several reasons:

    • Effectiveness: Proper maintenance ensures that the netting continues to deter birds, preventing them from causing damage or creating health hazards.
    • Safety: Regular inspection and upkeep help identify potential safety issues, such as loose netting or frayed edges, which could pose risks to people or property.
    • Longevity: Well-maintained bird netting lasts longer, providing a better return on investment.
    • Aesthetic Appeal: Clean and well-kept netting enhances the appearance of your property, contributing to a positive image.

    With these benefits in mind, let’s explore some key tips for maintaining your bird netting.

    Regular Inspection

    Regular inspection is the foundation of effective bird netting maintenance. Schedule periodic checks to look for signs of wear and tear, damage, or loose areas. Here’s what to focus on during inspections:

    • Structural Integrity: Ensure that the netting is securely fastened and has no visible holes or tears.
    • Mounting Hardware: Check that all clips, hooks, or other fasteners are secure and undamaged.
    • Debris Accumulation: Remove any leaves, twigs, or other debris that may have collected on the netting.
    • Signs of Bird Activity: Look for evidence of birds attempting to breach the netting, such as peck marks or bird droppings.

    Regular inspections will help you identify issues early, allowing you to address them before they become significant problems.

    Cleaning and Debris Removal

    Over time, bird netting can accumulate dirt, debris, and bird droppings. Cleaning the netting is essential to maintain its effectiveness and appearance. Here’s how to do it safely:

    • Use Gentle Cleaning Methods: Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive tools that could damage the netting. A soft brush or cloth with mild soap and water is usually sufficient.
    • Rinse Thoroughly: After cleaning, rinse the netting with clean water to remove any soap residue.
    • Debris Removal: Use a leaf blower or similar tool to remove leaves and twigs. Be careful not to damage the netting during this process.

    Regular cleaning keeps the netting functional and prevents it from becoming an eyesore.

    Repairing and Replacing Damaged Sections

    If you discover damage during your inspections, it’s crucial to repair or replace the affected sections promptly. Here’s what to consider when addressing damaged netting:

    • Patch Small Holes: Small holes can often be patched with additional netting and strong adhesive or zip ties.
    • Replace Severely Damaged Sections: If the damage is extensive, it may be more cost-effective to replace the entire section of netting.
    • Reinforce Vulnerable Areas: If certain areas are prone to damage, consider reinforcing them with additional netting or hardware.

    Properly repairing and replacing damaged sections ensures that your bird netting remains effective.

    Professional Maintenance Services

    For larger installations or complex setups, you may want to consider professional maintenance services. Professionals have the experience and equipment to handle more significant maintenance tasks. They can provide:

    • Comprehensive Inspections: Professionals can conduct thorough inspections to identify any issues you might have missed.
    • Expert Repairs: Professional repair services ensure that the netting is restored to its original condition.
    • Recommendations for Improvements: Professionals can offer advice on additional measures to enhance the effectiveness and durability of your bird netting.


    Bird netting is an invaluable tool for deterring birds and protecting property. To ensure that your bird netting investment remains effective and long-lasting, regular maintenance is key. Through consistent inspections, cleaning, repairs, and professional services when needed, you can keep your bird netting in top condition. By following these tips, you’ll ensure that your bird netting continues to serve its purpose and maintain its value for years to come.

  • Preventing Accidents: Why Bird Netting is Crucial for Construction Sites During Spring

    Spring is a busy season for construction sites, as warmer weather and longer days provide ideal conditions for building projects. However, it’s also a time when birds become more active, seeking out places to nest and forage for food. This increased bird activity can pose significant risks to construction sites, leading to accidents, project delays, and safety hazards. In this article, we explore why bird control is crucial for construction sites during spring and how it helps prevent accidents.

    Springtime Bird Activity and Construction Sites

    As temperatures rise in spring, many bird species begin their nesting season, searching for safe locations to build their nests and raise their young. Construction sites, with their open structures, scaffolding, and equipment, can be attractive nesting grounds for birds. While birds are an essential part of the ecosystem, their presence on construction sites can lead to a variety of safety issues.

    Risks of Birds on Construction Sites

    Birds nesting or roosting on construction sites can cause several problems that increase the risk of accidents:

    • Interference with Equipment and Machinery: Birds can build nests in or around construction equipment, leading to malfunctions or obstructions. This interference can disrupt operations and pose safety risks to workers.
    • Falling Debris: Nests and bird droppings can accumulate on scaffolding and ledges, creating potential falling hazards. If these materials fall from a height, they can cause injuries or damage.
    • Worker Safety: Birds can be aggressive when defending their nests, potentially attacking construction workers. This behavior can create dangerous situations, especially at heights.
    • Electrical Hazards: Birds nesting near electrical wiring or transformers can cause short circuits or fires, endangering both workers and the construction site.

    The Importance of Bird Control

    Bird control is essential for construction sites during spring to prevent these risks and ensure a safe working environment. Effective bird control measures can help:

    1. Prevent Nesting in Dangerous Areas: By deterring birds from building nests on scaffolding, equipment, or other hazardous locations, bird control reduces the risk of interference and falling debris.
    2. Minimize Accidents and Injuries: By keeping birds away from construction sites, the risk of accidents caused by aggressive birds or falling debris is minimized.
    3. Ensure Project Continuity: Bird-related issues can lead to project delays and increased costs. Bird control helps maintain project timelines by reducing interruptions caused by birds.
    4. Maintain a Safe Working Environment: Bird control contributes to a safer construction site, ensuring workers can focus on their tasks without the risk of bird-related hazards.

    Effective Bird Control Strategies for Construction Sites

    To ensure effective bird control on construction sites during spring, consider the following strategies:

    • Bird Netting: Installing netting around areas prone to bird nesting can prevent birds from building nests and roosting in dangerous locations.
    • Bird Spikes: Placing spikes on ledges, scaffolding, and other surfaces can deter birds from landing and nesting.
    • Ultrasonic Devices: These devices emit high-frequency sounds that are unpleasant for birds, keeping them away from construction sites.
    • Bird Repellents: Applying bird repellents to surfaces can discourage birds from landing or nesting in those areas.


    Bird control is a critical safety measure for construction sites during spring. By implementing effective bird control strategies, construction sites can prevent accidents, protect workers, and ensure project continuity. As bird activity increases during the spring season, taking proactive steps to deter birds from construction sites is essential for maintaining a safe and efficient working environment. By prioritizing bird control, construction sites can focus on their projects without the risks and disruptions caused by bird-related hazards.

  • Promoting Public Health: The Importance of Bird Control in Urban Areas During Spring

    Promoting Public Health: The Importance of Bird Control in Urban Areas During Spring

    Spring is a time of renewal and growth, with blooming flowers, warmer temperatures, and longer days. However, the arrival of spring also brings a surge in bird activity, as many species return from their winter migrations and begin nesting in urban areas. While birds are a vital part of the ecosystem, they can pose significant risks to public health in urban settings. This article explores why bird control is crucial during spring and how it contributes to promoting public health.

    The Springtime Surge in Bird Activity

    As temperatures rise and food sources become more abundant, birds are drawn to urban areas for nesting and foraging. This increased activity often leads to a greater presence of birds in residential and commercial spaces, public parks, and other populated areas. While birds are generally harmless, their increased presence can create public health risks.

    Health Risks Associated with Birds

    Birds can carry a variety of diseases that are transmissible to humans, including avian influenza, histoplasmosis, and psittacosis. These diseases are spread through bird droppings, feathers, and even direct contact with birds. In urban areas, where people are in close proximity to one another, the risk of disease transmission is heightened.

    Histoplasmosis, for example, is a fungal infection that can develop when people inhale spores from bird droppings. It can cause respiratory issues and, in severe cases, lead to serious complications. Similarly, avian influenza, though rare in humans, can pose a threat if bird populations become infected.

    The Importance of Bird Control

    Bird control measures are essential to mitigate these health risks, especially during the spring when bird activity peaks. Effective bird control helps:

    1. Prevent Nesting in High-Risk Areas: Birds often choose inconvenient or hazardous locations for nesting, such as building ledges, air vents, and rooftops. By preventing nesting in these areas, the risk of bird-related contamination is reduced.
    2. Reduce Droppings and Contamination: Bird droppings can accumulate quickly, leading to unsanitary conditions. Implementing bird control measures can minimize the accumulation of droppings, reducing the risk of disease spread.
    3. Minimize Noise Pollution: The increased noise from birds, especially during nesting season, can disrupt urban environments and impact the quality of life for residents.
    4. Protect Public Spaces: Parks, playgrounds, and public plazas are prone to bird-related damage and contamination. Bird control measures ensure these spaces remain safe and enjoyable for the community.

    Effective Bird Control Strategies

    Urban areas can employ a variety of bird control strategies to promote public health during the spring season:

    • Bird Netting: This method involves installing netting over specific areas to prevent birds from nesting or roosting.
    • Bird Spikes: These are designed to deter birds from landing on surfaces like ledges and rooftops.
    • Ultrasonic Devices: These devices emit high-frequency sounds that are unpleasant for birds, discouraging them from nesting in certain areas.
    • Bird Repellents: Chemical or natural repellents can be applied to surfaces to keep birds away.


    Spring is a beautiful time of year, but the surge in bird activity can create public health risks in urban areas. By implementing effective bird control measures, cities and communities can minimize these risks, ensuring a safer environment for residents and visitors. Bird control not only prevents the spread of diseases but also protects public spaces, reduces noise pollution, and maintains the quality of urban life. By promoting public health through bird control, urban areas can enjoy the benefits of spring without the associated risks.

  • How Bird Control Safeguards Against Nesting Birds Near Homes

    Birds are a beloved part of nature, with their songs and colorful plumage bringing joy to many. However, when birds start nesting near homes, they can cause problems that go beyond simple nuisances. From property damage to health risks, nesting birds can pose significant challenges for homeowners. This article will explore why bird control is essential for safeguarding against nesting birds near homes and how it can help maintain a safe and enjoyable living environment.

    Understanding the Problem: Nesting Birds and Home Hazards

    Spring and summer are the seasons when many bird species build their nests to raise their young. While it’s fascinating to observe, when birds choose to nest near or on homes, they can create a range of issues, including:

    1. Property Damage

    Birds often build nests in gutters, vents, chimneys, or eaves, causing blockages and structural damage. This can lead to water leaks, clogged drainage systems, and compromised roofing, resulting in costly repairs.

    2. Fire Hazards

    Bird nests made of twigs, leaves, and other flammable materials can pose fire risks if located near heat sources or electrical equipment. Birds that nest in chimneys can also create dangerous obstructions, leading to smoke buildup.

    3. Health Risks

    Birds carry diseases and parasites that can harm humans and pets. Histoplasmosis, a respiratory disease caused by bird droppings, is one example. Bird mites and other parasites can also infest homes when birds nest too close.

    4. Noise Disturbance

    Birds that nest near homes can create noise disturbances, especially during the early morning hours. This can disrupt sleep and affect the overall quality of life for homeowners.

    5. Unpleasant Odors and Mess

    Bird droppings and nesting materials can accumulate, creating unpleasant odors and unsightly messes. This can detract from the appearance of your home and outdoor spaces.

    How Bird Control Can Help

    Effective bird control measures can safeguard against the problems caused by nesting birds near homes. Here are some proven strategies to help you keep your home safe and bird-free:

    1. Bird Netting and Screens

    Installing bird netting or screens over vulnerable areas, such as vents, chimneys, and eaves, can prevent birds from accessing these spaces. This is a humane way to keep birds from nesting without harming them.

    2. Bird Spikes

    Bird spikes are effective at preventing birds from roosting on ledges, windowsills, and other flat surfaces. By installing spikes in key areas, you can discourage birds from settling near your home.

    3. Scare Tactics

    Using bird of prey decoys, reflective materials, or noise-making devices can help deter birds from nesting near homes. These tactics create an environment that birds find unsettling, encouraging them to find other locations to nest.

    4. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

    Regular cleaning of gutters, roofs, and other areas prone to bird nesting can help prevent birds from settling. Proper maintenance ensures that your home remains free from blockages and potential hazards.

    5. Professional Bird Control Services

    If you have a persistent problem with nesting birds or require a comprehensive solution, professional bird control services can help. These experts can assess your property and recommend tailored solutions, such as bird spikes, netting, or advanced deterrent systems.


    While birds are an important part of our ecosystem, they can create significant issues when they nest near homes. Bird control measures are crucial to safeguarding your property from damage, reducing health risks, and maintaining a pleasant living environment. By implementing effective bird control strategies, you can enjoy the beauty of birds without the downsides of their nesting habits.

    For expert advice and comprehensive bird control solutions, trust Pigeons R Us. We offer a range of products and services designed to keep birds at bay while respecting their role in nature. Visit our website to learn more about how we can help you protect your home from nesting birds.

  • Springtime Safety: Why Bird Control is Essential for Your Commercial Property

    Spring is a time of growth and renewal, but it also brings a surge of bird activity. While birds are an important part of our ecosystem, they can pose significant risks to commercial properties. From health hazards to property damage, uncontrolled bird populations can create a range of problems. In this article, we’ll explore why bird control is essential for your commercial property during the spring season and discuss the best practices to keep your business safe and clean.

    The Risks of Uncontrolled Bird Activity

    Birds are naturally attracted to urban environments due to the abundance of food sources and nesting opportunities. However, their presence on commercial properties can lead to several issues, including:

    1. Health Hazards

    Birds carry a variety of diseases and parasites that can pose health risks to humans. Pigeons, sparrows, and starlings are known to transmit diseases such as salmonellosis, histoplasmosis, and ornithosis. Their droppings can also attract insects and other pests, creating unsanitary conditions on your property.

    2. Property Damage

    Bird droppings are acidic and can cause significant damage to building materials, including concrete, metal, and paint. Over time, this can lead to costly repairs and maintenance. Birds can also damage rooftops, vents, and other building infrastructure by nesting or roosting in these areas.

    3. Slip-and-Fall Risks

    Accumulations of bird droppings on walkways, stairways, and parking lots create slip-and-fall hazards for employees, customers, and visitors. This can lead to injuries and potential legal liabilities for your business.

    4. Negative Aesthetic Impact

    Bird droppings, nests, and feathers can negatively impact the appearance of your property. A dirty and unkempt building exterior can deter customers and give the impression of poor maintenance, affecting your business’s reputation.

    5. Regulatory Compliance

    Many jurisdictions have regulations regarding property cleanliness and safety. Uncontrolled bird activity can lead to violations and fines, especially if droppings and nesting materials accumulate to hazardous levels.

    Effective Bird Control Strategies for Commercial Properties

    To ensure the safety and cleanliness of your commercial property, it’s important to implement effective bird control measures. Here are some proven strategies to help you manage bird populations:

    1. Bird Spikes and Netting

    Bird spikes and netting are effective physical barriers that prevent birds from roosting or nesting on your property. Spikes are commonly used on ledges, signage, and other flat surfaces, while netting can cover larger areas like courtyards and parking garages.

    2. Ultrasonic Devices

    Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sounds that are uncomfortable for birds but inaudible to humans. These devices can deter birds from settling on your property without causing disturbances to employees or customers.

    3. Scare Tactics

    Scare tactics, such as bird of prey decoys or reflective materials, can help deter birds from your property. These methods create an environment that birds find threatening, encouraging them to move elsewhere. Rotating scare tactics can prevent birds from becoming accustomed to a single method.

    4. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

    Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial for preventing the buildup of bird droppings and nesting materials. Schedule routine inspections and cleanings to ensure your property remains safe and compliant with regulations.

    5. Professional Bird Control Services

    For persistent bird problems or large commercial properties, consider hiring professional bird control services. These experts can assess your property and recommend customized solutions, such as advanced deterrent systems or humane trapping and relocation.


    Spring is a beautiful season, but it can bring a host of challenges for commercial property owners, particularly when it comes to bird control. By understanding the risks associated with uncontrolled bird activity and implementing effective control strategies, you can protect your property from damage, maintain a clean and safe environment, and avoid regulatory issues.

    For expert advice and comprehensive bird control solutions, trust Pigeons R Us. We offer a range of products and services designed to keep your commercial property safe and free from bird-related problems. Visit our website to learn more about how we can help you with your bird control needs.

  • Protecting Your Crops: The Importance of Bird Control During Spring Planting Season

    Spring is a time of renewal, growth, and planting, but for many farmers and gardeners, it also brings the challenge of protecting crops from birds. Birds, particularly pigeons, can be a significant threat to newly planted seeds and young plants. As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, these feathered visitors are eager to find food sources, and your crops can be an attractive target. In this article, we’ll explore why bird control is crucial during the spring planting season and discuss effective strategies to safeguard your crops.

    Understanding the Problem: Birds and Crop Damage

    Birds play a vital role in our ecosystems, contributing to pollination and seed dispersal. However, when it comes to agriculture, their presence can cause considerable damage. During spring, birds like pigeons, sparrows, and starlings are in search of food and nesting materials. This behavior can lead them to farmland, where they may:

    • Eat Seeds: Birds are attracted to newly planted seeds, especially cereal grains and legumes. Pigeons, in particular, are known to feed on seeds right after planting.
    • Damage Young Plants: As seeds germinate, birds may peck at tender shoots, causing damage to young plants.
    • Spread Disease: Birds can inadvertently spread diseases among crops by carrying pathogens on their beaks and feet.

    The impact of bird-related crop damage can be significant, leading to reduced yields and increased costs for farmers. This is why effective bird control measures are essential during the spring planting season.

    Effective Bird Control Strategies

    To protect your crops from birds, consider implementing a combination of preventive measures and deterrents. Here are some proven strategies:

    1. Bird Netting

    Bird netting is a physical barrier that can be placed over crops to prevent birds from accessing them. This method is effective for protecting smaller plots, gardens, and high-value crops. Ensure the netting is securely anchored to prevent birds from finding their way underneath.

    2. Scare Tactics

    Using scare tactics, such as scarecrows, reflective tape, or noise devices, can help deter birds. These methods create an environment that birds find uncomfortable, encouraging them to move elsewhere. However, birds can become accustomed to these tactics over time, so it’s essential to vary the approach.

    3. Bird Repellents

    Chemical bird repellents can be applied to crops to discourage birds from feeding. These repellents are typically non-toxic and work by creating an unpleasant taste or odor for birds. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to ensure safety for crops and the environment.

    4. Companion Planting

    Some plants are naturally less attractive to birds. Companion planting involves growing these crops alongside more vulnerable ones to deter birds. For example, marigolds and sunflowers can help keep birds away from nearby plants.

    5. Bird of Prey Decoys

    Birds are naturally wary of predators. Placing decoys that resemble birds of prey, such as hawks or owls, can help keep birds at bay. To maintain effectiveness, move the decoys periodically to simulate natural bird behavior.

    6. Professional Bird Control Services

    For larger-scale operations or persistent bird problems, consider enlisting the help of professional bird control services. These experts can assess your specific needs and provide tailored solutions, including bird spikes, wire systems, or other advanced deterrents.


    Bird control during the spring planting season is critical to protecting your crops and ensuring a successful harvest. By understanding the behavior of birds and implementing effective deterrents, you can minimize crop damage and maintain a healthy, productive garden or farm. Whether you choose physical barriers, scare tactics, repellents, or professional services, taking proactive steps to control birds will pay off in the long run.

    For more information on bird control and other agricultural tips, visit Pigeons R Us, your trusted source for innovative bird management solutions. Happy planting!

  • Preserving Property: Preventing Damage from Bird Nests and Droppings in Spring

    As the days grow longer and temperatures rise, the arrival of spring brings a sense of rejuvenation and renewal to the world around us. It’s a time when nature springs back to life, and with it comes the return of migratory birds to our neighborhoods and properties. While the presence of birds can add charm and beauty to our surroundings, it also brings the risk of property damage from nests and droppings. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of preventing such damage and strategies for preserving your property during the springtime.

    Understanding the Risks

    Bird nests and droppings may seem harmless at first glance, but they can pose significant risks to your property. Here are some common ways in which bird activity can cause damage:

    1. Structural Damage: Birds often seek sheltered areas, such as eaves, vents, and gutters, to build their nests. Over time, the accumulation of nesting materials can clog drainage systems, cause roof leaks, and even compromise the structural integrity of buildings.
    2. Health Hazards: Bird droppings contain uric acid, which can corrode building materials like metal, stone, and wood. Additionally, bird droppings can harbor bacteria, fungi, and parasites, posing health risks to humans and pets.
    3. Aesthetic Degradation: Unsightly bird nests and droppings can detract from the curb appeal of your property, giving the impression of neglect and reducing its market value.

    Strategies for Prevention

    Preventing damage from bird nests and droppings requires a proactive approach. Here are some effective strategies to preserve your property:

    1. Install Bird Deterrents: Physical deterrents such as bird spikes, nets, and wires can prevent birds from landing and nesting in vulnerable areas. These barriers are humane, environmentally friendly, and highly effective at discouraging birds without causing harm.
    2. Clean Regularly: Regularly inspect your property for signs of bird activity, such as nests and droppings, and clean affected areas promptly. Use appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and masks, when handling bird droppings to avoid exposure to harmful pathogens.
    3. Trim Trees and Shrubs: Trim trees and shrubs near your property to reduce nesting opportunities for birds. Pruning branches away from buildings can also prevent birds from gaining access to roofs and other elevated surfaces.
    4. Seal Entry Points: Inspect your property for potential entry points, such as gaps in siding, vents, and chimneys, and seal them to prevent birds from nesting inside buildings. Use sturdy materials like metal mesh or hardware cloth to block access points effectively.
    5. Seek Professional Help: If you’re dealing with persistent bird problems or large-scale infestations, consider seeking assistance from pest control experts or wildlife management professionals. They can assess the situation, recommend tailored solutions, and help you implement effective bird control measures.


    As spring brings new life to our surroundings, it’s essential to take proactive steps to preserve our property from damage caused by bird nests and droppings. By implementing strategies such as installing bird deterrents, regularly cleaning affected areas, and sealing entry points, property owners can mitigate the risks associated with bird activity and maintain the integrity and aesthetics of their properties. With proper care and attention, we can coexist harmoniously with our feathered friends while safeguarding our valuable investments for years to come.

  • Avoiding Health Hazards: How Bird Control Prevents Disease Spread in Spring

    As the world awakens from winter slumber, spring brings with it a flurry of activity in nature. One of the most visible signs of the season’s arrival is the return of migratory birds, filling the air with their melodious songs and vibrant colors. While the presence of birds may evoke feelings of joy and wonder, it’s essential to recognize that these feathered visitors can also pose health hazards, particularly when it comes to disease spread. In this article, we’ll explore how bird control measures can play a crucial role in preventing the transmission of diseases during the springtime.

    The Health Risks of Bird Infestations

    Birds, like any other animals, can carry and spread a variety of diseases, many of which can be harmful to humans. One of the most significant health risks associated with birds is the transmission of zoonotic diseases, which are infections that can be passed from animals to humans. Bird droppings, feathers, and nesting materials can harbor pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, putting people at risk of respiratory infections, skin irritations, and other health issues.

    Common Diseases Spread by Birds

    Several diseases are commonly associated with bird infestations, including:

    1. Histoplasmosis: Caused by the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum, histoplasmosis is a respiratory disease that can be contracted by inhaling fungal spores present in bird droppings and soil. In severe cases, it can cause pneumonia and other serious complications.
    2. Cryptococcosis: This fungal infection is caused by Cryptococcus neoformans, which is commonly found in bird droppings, particularly those of pigeons. Inhalation of fungal spores can lead to respiratory and neurological symptoms in humans.
    3. Salmonellosis: Birds, especially pigeons and sparrows, can carry Salmonella bacteria, which can be transmitted to humans through direct contact with contaminated surfaces or inhalation of airborne particles. Salmonellosis can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps.

    The Role of Bird Control in Disease Prevention

    Implementing effective bird control measures is crucial for preventing the spread of diseases associated with bird infestations. Here’s how bird control can help mitigate health risks:

    1. Nesting Prevention: By discouraging birds from nesting on or near your property through the use of deterrents such as spikes, nets, and wires, you can reduce the accumulation of bird droppings and nesting materials, thereby minimizing the risk of disease transmission.
    2. Droppings Cleanup: Regularly cleaning up bird droppings and sanitizing affected areas can help eliminate disease-causing pathogens and reduce the likelihood of human exposure. It’s essential to use proper protective equipment, such as gloves and masks, when handling bird droppings to prevent contamination.
    3. Habitat Modification: Modifying the habitat to make it less attractive to birds can also help prevent infestations and reduce disease transmission. This may involve removing sources of food and water, trimming vegetation, and sealing off entry points to buildings and structures.
    4. Professional Intervention: In cases of severe bird infestations or persistent health hazards, seeking professional assistance from pest control experts or wildlife management services may be necessary. These professionals can assess the situation, implement appropriate bird control measures, and provide guidance on disease prevention strategies.


    While the sight and sound of birds in spring can be delightful, it’s essential to be mindful of the health hazards they can pose, particularly in terms of disease spread. By implementing effective bird control measures and practicing proper hygiene and sanitation, property owners can minimize the risks associated with bird infestations and create a safer and healthier environment for themselves and their communities. After all, in the vibrant tapestry of spring, maintaining good health should always be a top priority.